Reflecting together

Paderborn University is a place of encounters and discourse. In order to open up new perspectives and provide food for thought, we promote exchange between science, business, society, and politics through a variety of communication and event formats – in the region and beyond.

Of­fers for Young and Old

Paderborn University seeks to engage in discourse with the public through numerous initiatives. This is why we regularly open our doors to external visitors.

We frequently invite the public to attend lecture series, to explore our laboratories, and to learn about and exchange ideas on current topics in lectures. Representatives from politics, business, and the practical field are also welcomed as guests, in order to facilitate eye-level conversations in panel discussions. We also offer workshops for children and young people who want to get a taste of university life before they leave school and become active researchers.

Discover our public events and stop by.

Pader­born Uni­ver­sity Pod­casts

All ears: Various podcasts from Paderborn University offer exciting, informative, and entertaining insights into research, teaching, studies, and campus life. You can experience Paderborn University anywhere – listen in now!

All Day Research: the Paderborn University Computer Science Podcast

Behind the writing scenes: podcast of the Writing Center (Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben) for students

Mein beneFit Podcast: podcast of student health management “mein beneFIT”

PaderPhy: the Paderborn physics podcast

Time for Gender: podcast of the Centre for Gender Studies

Rep­res­ent­a­tion at con­ven­tions

Paderborn University presents itself at national and international conventions. We offer interested parties the opportunity to learn more about our research, teaching, and transfer opportunities, to easily exchange ideas, and to network. This is where we present groundbreaking research projects, innovative developments, and lots more. Among other events, our university attends the Hannover Messe.