Centre for High­er Math­em­at­ics Edu­ca­tion (khdm: Kom­pet­en­zzen­trums Hoch­schul­didak­tik Math­em­atik)

The Centre for Higher Mathematics Education is a cooperative academic institution between the universities at Kassel, Lüneburg, and Paderborn, which has been active as an institution in the field of higher education for mathematics since 2010.

The khdm’s research is oriented towards real-world, practical issues in the areas of teaching and learning mathematics at the university level. In addition to contributions to theory development, the khdm research attempts to understand the teaching and learning of higher-level mathematics and to develop those areas further. Its central areas of interest are:

  • examining the teaching and learning of mathematical perspectives and methods of working, as well as concepts and theories
  • examining the attitudes and learning behavior  of students
  • developing and examining innovations in teaching and learning methods, as well as innovations in digital media
  • the revision and innovation of the content of existing curricula at the university, with focus on orientation towards competence and teaching recipient

Additional information about current and completed projects can be found on the website of the khdm.