Research Funding and Services

Paderborn University supports its academics with numerous offers, thus enabling them to realise their potential in research. Turning your idea into a successful project: we will accompany you throughout each phase of your journey.


Net­work for In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary Re­search

Paderborn University's research strategy is characterised by the provision of optimal framework conditions and the promotion of interdisciplinary networks, both within the University and with external partners. The Network for Interdisciplinary Research (NiFo) acts as a hub for different networking spaces and offers attractive funding programmes.

Internal grants and awards

Realise your research ideas by benefiting from institutional funding. Paderborn University also recognises outstanding research by awarding academic prizes. You can submit your research project for one of the various awards. Especially academics in the early stages of their careers can benefit from our attractive funding opportunities.

Com­mit­tee for Re­search and Ju­ni­or Aca­dem­ics

The Committee for Research and Junior Academics (FK) advises the Senate and the Executive Board on issues relating to research and the promotion of early career researchers. It is responsible for implementing the internal research funding programmes, which support various research projects and endevours. The committee also provides feedback to our researchers on their applications for large collaborative research projects with external funding bodies.

Contact and advice

Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer, Vice-President for Research and Junior Academics

Vice-Pres­id­ent for Re­search and Ju­ni­or Aca­dem­ics

If you have any strategic questions in the field of research, please contact the Vice-President for Research and Junior Academics.

Contact details
The team of the research department

Re­search Unit

The Research Unit team provides support on topics with regard to national and international research funding, offers R & D legal advice, and is the central point of contact for support for innovation, internal funding, and scholarships.

Learn more
Ombudsperson for good scientific practice

Om­bud­sper­son for good re­search prac­tice

If you have any questions regarding good research practice, please do not hesitate to contact the ombudsperson of Paderborn University. The ombudsperson handles your concerns in confidence and works independently.

Learn more
DFG-Vertrauensdozentin der UPB_Prof. Dr. Claudia Öhlschläger


Die DFG-Vertrauensdozentin steht Mitgliedern der Universität bei Fragen zu den verschiedenen Fördermöglichkeiten der DFG zur Verfügung. Insbesondere berät Sie Wissenschaftler*innen, die zum ersten Mal einen Antrag bei der DFG einreichen möchten.

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